$12.50 Regular price

Shicida 65 day Math Program



Day 1: Show red dot cards 1 to 10.


Day 2: Show red dot cards 6 to 15.


Day 3: Show red dot cards 11 to 20.


Day 4: Show red dot cards 16 to 25.


Day 5: Show red dot cards 21 to 30.


Day 6: Show red dot cards 26 to 35.


Day 7: Show red dot cards 31 to 40.


Day 8: Show red dot cards 36 to 45.


Day 9: Show red dot cards 41 to 50.


Day 10: 1+1, 1+2, 1+3, 1+4, 1+5, 1+6, 1+7, 1+8, 1+9.

Day 11: 2+2, 2+3, 2+4, 2+5, 2+6, 2+7, 2+8, 2+9. 


Day 12: 3+2, 3+3, 3+4, 3+5, 3+6, 3+7, 3+8.

Day 13: 4+2, 4+3, 4+4, 4+5, 4+6, 4+7, 4+8.

Day 14: 5+2, 5+3, 5+4, 5+5, 5+6, 5+7, 5+8. F

Day 15: 8+3, 5+3, 4+5, 2+3, 3+1, 6+1, 4+2, 1+2, 1+1. 

Day 16: 12+14, 7+31, 28+6, 14+17, 23+7, 24+3, 11+26, 9+4, 5+27, 21+4.

Day 17: 14+6, 7+8, 4+5, 11+8, 9+13, 12+6, 8+9, 17+22, 5+32, 18+23. 

 Day 18: 7+11, 13+12, 8+9, 21+18, 18+11, 5+26, 3+9, 7+31, 6+17, 17+23. 

 Day 19: 15+22, 3+17, 12+30, 11+11, 2+29, 24+17, 19+2, 8+26, 3+41, 7+16. 



 Day 20: 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5, 10-6, 10-7, 10-8, 10-9.



Day 21: 20-1, 20-4, 20-5, 20-7, 20-11, 20-12, 20-14, 20-18, 20-19. 


Day 22: 30-1, 30-2, 30-3, 30-5, 30-7, 30-8, 30-11, 30-20, 30-22, 30-29. 

 Day 23: 19-6, 20-5, 11-10, 31-9, 25-6, 45-13, 17-11, 12-8, 33-13, 22-6. 

 Day 24: 39-27, 12-6, 21-4, 16-9, 41-12, 50-6, 32-18, 28-5, 48-14, 16-7. 



Day 25: 2×2, 2×3, 2×4, 2×5, 2×6, 2×7, 2×8, 2×9.

 Day 26: 3×2, 3×3, 3×4, 3×5, 3×6, 3×7, 3×8. 

 Day 27: 4×4, 4×5, 4×6, 4×7, 4×8, 4×9. 

Day 28: 5×5, 5×6, 5×7, 5×8, 5×9. 

 Day 29: 6×4, 6×5, 6×6, 6×7, 6×8.

Day 30: 7×1, 7×2, 7×3, 7×4, 7×5, 7×6.

 Day 31: 8×1, 8×2, 8×3, 8×4, 8×5, 8×6.

 Day 32: 9×1, 9×2, 9×3, 9×4, 9×5. 

 Day 33: 10×1, 10×2, 10×3, 10×4, 10×5. 

 Day 34: 3×2, 4×3, 3×7, 10×4, 3×16, 3×6, 15×3, 5×6, 13×3, 5×4. 



 Day 35: 6÷2, 10÷2, 14÷2, 18÷2, 20÷2, 24÷2, 26÷2, 46÷2, 50÷2, 34÷2, 4÷2, 16÷2.



Day 36: 6÷3, 9÷3, 12÷3, 15÷3, 18÷3, 27÷3, 30÷3, 33÷3, 36÷3, 39÷3, 42÷3, 45÷3.  

 Day 37: 8÷4, 12÷4, 16÷4, 20÷4, 24÷4, 28÷4, 32÷4, 36÷4, 40÷4, 44÷4, 48÷4. 

Day 38: 10÷5, 15÷5, 20÷5, 30÷5, 35÷5, 40÷5, 45÷5, 50÷5.

Day 39: 12÷6, 18÷6, 24÷6, 30÷6, 36÷6, 42÷6, 48÷6. 


Multitudinous Calculations


Day 40: 3+2-1, 23+12+1, 44-4+2, 31-31+16, 10-2+1, 7-2+10, 20-3+21, 15-5+15, 9+2-6, 7+3-2. 

Day 41: 18+4-8, 32-2+10, 6+8-7, 26-20+9, 40-12+8, 14+39-8, 29-9+5, 46-4-12, 34+8-20. 

Day 42: 36-18+7, 25+23-19, 15+3-10, 30-9+13, 52-49+16, 8+9-6, 27+18-8, 34-15+8, 5+9+8, 4+8+11.  

 Day 43: 1x2x3, 5x1x2, 2x5x5, 3x2x4, 3x3x5, 2x3x2, 4x2x5, 3x1x1, 1x2x2, 3x2x6.  

 Day 44: 2x2x3, 5x1x3, 3x3x3, 9x2x3, 17x2x1, 2x4x2, 2x8x3, 4x3x3, 11x2x2, 3x7x2. 

 Day 45: 6÷2÷3, 20÷5÷2, 80÷4÷4, 60÷2÷5, 64÷2÷8, 68÷2÷2, 54÷2÷3, 45÷3÷5, 90÷3÷2, 40÷2÷1.  

 Day 46: 48÷6÷2, 84÷2÷7, 32÷2÷2, 24÷4÷2, 64÷4÷8, 90÷6÷3, 50÷10÷5, 42÷1÷3, 72÷2÷3, 78÷2÷1. 

Day 47: 2×2÷2, 3×2÷6, 4÷2×3, 6÷2×3, 5÷1×5, 5×2÷1, 7×3÷3, 1×4÷1, 6×1÷2. 

 Day 48: 6×2÷4, 9÷3×2, 50÷5×2, 2×10÷2, 9÷1×3, 6÷2×6, 7×5÷1, 4÷4×8, 3×5÷3, 8÷4×2. 

Day 49: (2-1)x3, (4+5)x5, (3+1)x3, (5-1)x2, (14-3)x4, (4+3)x7, (1+3)x9, (26-20)x5, (7+3)x5, (40-37)x6.  S

Day 50: (6+10)÷2, (20-10)÷5, (42-2)÷4, (56-20)÷6, 2×3-3, 5×8+2, 16÷2-3, 18÷9+7, 14×3+4, 52÷26-1. 

Day 51: (8-4)÷4, (9-3)x2, (50-5)÷5, (2+10)x3, (9-1)÷4, (62-8)÷9, 7×3+12, 18÷9-1, 32÷4+13, 81÷9-9. 

Day 52: (18+3)x2, (11+21)÷8, (7-5)x6, (29-11)÷2, (5+15)÷10, (23+33)÷7, (43-36)x4, (11+8)x2, (40-24)x3, (16-7)x3. 

Day 53: 45÷9×4, 8×5÷4, 9÷3×2, 8×4÷2, 50÷5×4, 3×10÷2, 14÷7×6, 4×8÷4, 8×3÷1, 7×7÷7.  

 Day 54: (75-50)x2-10, (18+4)÷11+5, (7+14)x3-17, (63-23)÷10+12, (52+12)÷2-30.  




Day 55:  Introduce numbers 1 to 15.  Show 1 dot equals “1”, 2 dots equals “2”, 3 dots equals “3”, 4 dots equals “4”, 5 dots equals “5”, etc.


Day 56: Introduce numbers 16 to 30.


Day 57: Introduce numbers 31 to 40.


Day 58: Introduce numbers 41 to 50.


Image Calculation


Day 59: Ask your child to image 1 to 10 in dots.


Day 60: Ask your child to convert the dots to numbers.



Day 61: Ask your child to image the numerical formula in dots.


Day 62: Play “Which one?” game with dot cards.  For example, Show the child dot cards for example which one is 30 and 31

Day 63: Play “Which one?” game with dot cards involving numerical formula. 

Day 64: Show your child numerical formulae and get him to convert the formulae into dots.

 Day 65: Show the child numerical formulae and have him write down the answers.


Second Cycle

Day 1: Show red dot cards 51 to 60.


Day 2: Show red dot cards 56 to 65.


Day 3: Show red dot cards 61 to 70.


Day 4: Show red dot cards 66 to 75.


Day 5: Show red dot cards 71 to 80.


Day 6: Show red dot cards 76 to 85.


Day 7: Show red dot cards 81 to 90.


Day 8: Show red dot cards 86 to 95.


Day 9: Show red dot cards 91 to 100.


Repeat Days 10 to 54 from the First Cycle


Day 55:  Introduce numbers 51 to 65.  Show 51 dots equals “51”, 52 dots equals “52”, 53 dots equals “53”, 54 dots equals “54”, 55 dots equals “55”, etc.


Day 56: Introduce numbers 66 to 80.


Day 57: Introduce numbers 81 to 90.


Day 58: Introduce numbers 91 to 100.


Repeat Days 59 to 65 from the First Cycle


Cycle 3 – repeat first cycle.


Cycle 4 – repeat second cycle.

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